Do Unto OthersA Sermon Series

October 6 th - November 3rd at 10:00am 

In-person & Live-Streaming Online

Our world seems to be consumed with division-often typified in the colors red and blue. Rather than stay in our monochromatic silos, the Golden Rule in scripture challenges us to engage in conversation and seek to create whatever common good we can with our relatives, friends, and neighbors who we might consider to be on the "other side" politically and ideologically. As we attempt to come together, the idea is not that we are obliterating either one or trying to change each other, but rather we discover the beauty that can be created when we work together to make the world a better place. The "purple space" is where we cultivate kindness, compassion, humility respect, and love for one another and for the good of all the world, no matter what.

Sermon Series Schedule

Week 1 (October 6): "Blue and Red Make Purple: Kindness" - Luke 6:31-36
Week 2 (October 13): "The Polarization Within: Compassion" - Isaiah 11:6-9
Week 3 (October 20): "Listen More, Speak Less: Humility" - Ephesians 4:1-6
Week 4 (October 27): "Living Together on Uncommon Ground: Respect" - 1 Corinthians 12:1-26
Week 5 (November 3):  "Malice Toward None: Love" - Matthew 22:34-40