At Broadway, kids are loved ridiculously by God & by all of us.
We surround children and parents with love and support where they can experience the joy and wonder of God and the warm embrace of community.

JoyLand: Our Newest Addition to Sunday Worship
We invite the youngest among us to an interactive area in the right front of the
Sanctuary that we call JoyLand. Here children can be a part of worship, but with a
little more room to move. There is a youth helper (Emma) there each week to provide
minor assistance with the children, but we also encourage adults with children to
keep an ear out and an eye open to assist your child as they need you.
JoyLand is available in the Sanctuary on the 1st, 2nd, & 4th Sundays of the month. On the 3rd Sundays we meet downstairs in Backstage at Broadway and encourage families to worship together in this informal and interactive worship setting.
JoyLand is available in the Sanctuary on the 1st, 2nd, & 4th Sundays of the month. On the 3rd Sundays we meet downstairs in Backstage at Broadway and encourage families to worship together in this informal and interactive worship setting.
Children's Message in Worship
Each week we take a special moment in worship to collectively share simple stories and lessons of the faith to help our children know they are loved by God and all of us.
6th through 8th Graders are encouraged to participate in Confirmation Classes from January - April. Students learn about the Christian faith and life through group activities, field trips, and conversations with an adult mentor. Contact Pastor Aaron at for more information.
Currently Childcare is not available during worship. We welcome children to worship with their parents. Rocking chairs are available at the rear of the sanctuary for parent use, and there are Changing Stations in all restrooms. Don't worry, we love kids and enjoy their energy. JoyLand - a special place just for kids - is also available in the Sanctuary during worship.
Click Here to learn more about Baptism for you or your child. Baptisms typically occur during Sunday morning worship. Babies are baptized by sprinkling. Older children and adults can be sprinkled or immersed.
2nd-12th Grade Students are welcome to serve as Acolytes who light the altar candles during worship on a rotating basis. Training is provided . Contact Pastor Aaron at for more information.
Summer Day Camp
Thanks for a great week of camp! We look forward to welcoming Kindergarten - 6th Grade Students to Marrott Park (7350 N. College) to Summer Day Camp again next June. Campers attend each day from 9:00am-3:00pm. 7th-12th Graders may also serve as Jr. Counselors during the week.
Metropolitan Youth Orchestra
The Metropolitan Youth Orchestra (MYO) is a youth and family development program of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. Elementary through High School Students are provided a safe and loving environment to make mistakes, overcome fears, develop healthy relationships, fulfill their potential, and take the life skills learned through music to become successful adults. CLICK HERE for more information.
Pottery Classes
Ceramic Artist, Tania Wineglass, provides small group pottery lessons for both children and parents. Contact Tania at 317-332-5118.